Saturday, April 28

The Milk Tea Craze

I currently being addicted to milk tea, especially the wintermelon flavor. I have been a coffee aficionado eversince college and it has only been in the past year (after my childbirth) did I begin to enjoy tea (no milk added... yet).

Starbucks patron through and through

Maybe the reason why I changed my caffeine fix from the strong and bold black coffee to the mild and serene honey-sweetened tea is because of my sudden change in lifestyle. From being a serious office worker, who loves to render her extra time for the company, I have become this laid back (but still worry-wart) mother. Or maybe, I just got tired of being overly-hyped that my body needed a new gasoline to quench its thirst.

My top three picks:

1. Gong Cha Milk Wintermelon Tea

I love the way the foam tastes and when it mixes with the tea, kaboom! a match made in heaven. If you're a newbie in the milk tea craze, go for their sweetened milk teas like the wintermelon and chocolate.

2. Happy Lemon Green Tea with Rock Salt Cheese

Don't be deceived by the rock salt and cheese combo because it actually works! Reminder: sip the foam first before you mix it because the taste of salt and cheese is one of the yummiest flavor I have ever tasted. Thank you, Chris Tiu!

3. Cha Dao Milk Tea Wintermelon Creme

This is actually one of the latest outlets I've tried and although it is cheaper than the two above-mentioned tea places, their variant of wintermelon is actually pretty good. And the sinkers (pearls) were a good surprise.

Other tea places also offers good wintermelon variants (like Serenitea and Cha Time!) but since I have a hard time reaching them (usually located in the far south but I heard Cha Time will open in Mega soon) so far, call me crazy, but these are my top threes ♥

So c'mon sisters, give in. ☺


  1. I understand your current addiction to this new craze. I see a long queue every time we pass by the shops to experience what the Taiwanese had invented :) These are indeed refreshing and soothing especially at this time of the year!

    Have a great weekend ahead, Mymy :)

  2. I love milk tea, too. Everytime my friend and I go out, we make it sure to buy milk tea. =)

  3. I'm addicted to milk tea too. I haven't posted everything on my blog though.

  4. Thanks Farida! I hope you had a great weekend. :)

  5. Thanks for dropping by, Jhaney and Shashi. I love your blogs! Stay happy and post more entries soon! :) God bless!
