Tuesday, May 15

Cooking 101: Steamed Cream Dory in Light Soy Sauce

Since I still have a few fish fillets left in the freezer, I have decided to try a different recipe. It's also a good time as we've been eating mostly fried or greasy food. That's why I used steaming as my method of cooking.

500g cream dory fillet, sliced into serving portions

1 small ginger, sliced

for the sauce-
2T soy sauce
2T oyster sauce
2T sugar
2tsp sesame oil (optional)
other half of the ginger, Julianne
1/4 c water

toasted garlic for presentation and additional crunch

  1. Thaw the fish fillet properly. Place in a foil. Add the sliced ginger. Steam for about 5-10 minutes.
  2. While waiting for the fish to cook, prepare the sauce. Combine all ingredients together in a sauce pan. Let it simmer while mixing continuously.
  3. Remove the steamed fish and place in a ceramic or serving dish. Pour the sauce.
  4. Top with toasted garlic.
  5. Serve while hot with a bowl of steaming rice.

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