To my dearest future son,
I've learned about you after my best friend got married (last November 21st 2010) in Pampanga. I was feeling a bit queasy all week before the big day. Since I was the Maid of Honor, I had to prepare her bridal shower and of course, made sure that everyone is comfortable with their gowns, accessories, etc. Not to mention the fact that I was also working 9 (sometimes 12) hours a day. In other words, I was really busy, working within a very hectic schedule (what, with my Stepping Up to Management training, newly promoted OIC tasks, and a bunch more of headache-forming problems).
When I took the pregnancy test on November 25th, I knew you were already in me. I had a gut-feeling, maternal instinct if you want to sound sentimental. Let me reiterate my symptoms:
- nausea
- I suddenly hated the smell of my favorite Victoria's Secret perfume
- abdominal changes
- swollen breasts
- I can't eat
- then suddenly began eating rice again
- I was always tired
taken last November 25th 2010 at 4:30am | | | | |
It was really a no-brainer. I mean, I knew
exactly when you were conceived. Your father might tell you in the future that you were planned --- of course you were. Our Lord knows that He can trust your father and I so He has decided to give you to us.
After a positive PT, we went to see an OB-GYNE. That's a physician specializing in giving birth and pregnancy. Don't worry my dear son, we only want what's best for you so we went to
Marikina Valley Medical Center. It's a new private, tertiary hospital in Marikina City (near Blue Wave, Marquinton). I heard it's founder is from St. Luke's Medical Center so not only are we getting the same treatment from SLMC but also, the same complete equipment and world-class facilities. Wow, I sound like an infomercial. I'm just psyched to see you delivered in a high class hospital. I told you; nothing but the best for my baby boy.
So, we went to see
Dra. Beverly Orlina on the 11th of December. Everything seemed fine until the return check-up on the 18th.
You look so small! |
Your father and I were so shocked to learned that I have a low uterus which may cause several complications during my pregnancy. Worried of what might happen to you, my OB advised me to take a week off work and have a complete bed rest. That meant I'm not allowed to leave my room, let alone move. However, being the workaholic that I am, I decided that washing the dishes won't do any harm. Wrong.
It was a few minutes before midnight, the eve of December 15th. I was on my bed, preparing to sleep when I felt a gush of liquid down my lower body area. It felt like peeing but in a weird way. So, I stood up and behold, a pool of blood stained my PJs. I never felt so scared in my entire life! Even now, the very thought of seeing blood when I know you're already formed gives me the creeps. Ugh. I don't even WANT to think about it. I screamed and went to your grandparents room. My mother tried to calm me down because I was shaking all over. She then told my sister to call your father. It was 12:05 AM.
I was rushed to MVMC. I felt dazed and confused, scared of the thought that I might lose you. The resident OB contacted my OB and they did a few hospital protocol before admitting me to the hospital. Your father looked calm but whenever he holds my hand, I knew that he was scared too.
Mommy's babysitter is your lovely grandmama |
An emergency ultrasound was authorized by my OB even though the resident OB felt I might have lost you. Thank God my OB knows what she's doing! You know why? Because you were still in me! You're alive and I felt overjoyed after hearing this!
But, I had to be admitted for three days. And yes, a month-long rest from work. Which meant that on top of my week's off, I have to add another 30 days at home. Which is okay if you're on a vacation but trust me, when you're on house arrest, it's the most boring news ever!
Your father decided to have me in their home to make sure I'm near the hospital and that he's there to take care of us. This decision was thankfully accepted by my mother and father.
So, I spent Christmas and New Year's Eve in your father's home.And, not to mention, until the end of my month-long rest.
December 31st. This date marks another milestone in our lives. Your father officially proposed to me and as a token, he gave me this simple yet stunning diamond ring.
Sealed with a kiss. |
I was in a bliss. And, after hearing from my OB that you'll be okay as long as I continue drinking my Duphaston and Duvadilan plus my Ceecon, I felt obliged to be happy all the time.
Mommy's baby book that records your progress |
The pre-nuptial pictorial and the "pamamanhikan" (a Filipino tradition where the family of the groom visits the family of the bride and they discuss wedding details, etc) were another milestone in our lives. Not to mention the surprised bridal/baby shower given to me by my best friend (and your future godmother!)
The wedding preparations gave me another reason to smile amidst the difficulty. Your father and I didn't hire a wedding coordinator to cut on the budget. We were very hands on with the preparationz. So when
March 12th 2011 came, we felt relieved and happy at the same time that it's all over. Your father and I are officially married, baby boy!
Mommy and Daddy are very happy! |
Married life has been both a sacrifice and a blessing. And, knowing that you are about to be born kept us looking forward to another day. Being married to your father taught me a lot of things, baby boy. But most of all, it made me realize how much I love him. Waking up with him by my side kept me going. And, when you're finally here, you'll add fuel to my still ablaze spirit. I can't wait to meet you!
Oh, before I forget, we have scheduled a 4D ultrasound on the first week of June. We'll finally see you in your complete form! I mean, when we learned that you were a boy on April 9th, we were extremely pleased but a bit not satisfied because the sonologist only did a 2D ultrasound on you. She said that it's not yet advisable to do a 4D when the baby's still on his sixth month.
See! I can't see you on the film, just on the monitor! |
I'm currently on my 30th week. A few more weeks (6 to be exact) and we'll finally meet! And oh, we've already bought your stuff. Your father and I were too excited that we almost burned all our dough in Rustan's Gateway! We have a 5k gift certificate but guess what, we have added an additional 7.5k for you. Look at our loot:
Shopping galore @ Rustan's Gateway |
Baby loot! So worth it! |
More! |
The Diaper Bag that made me swoon! |
Lifetime warranty. |
Blue for baby boy |
Complete care |
Going green |
More to come for the clothes but for now, have to make pigil myself |
More blue stuff |
Mittens! Booties! |
I think that's all for now. I don't want to sound like an overprotective mom (although I might be, don't say I didn't warn you) but somehow, I just want to show you how much your father and I love you. Okay baby, mommy needs to log off now. Your father and I will watch the season finale of Big Bang Theory!
Your pretty mommy
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