I had this book since forever but I've never read it until today. It's a short story, enough for someone to read it for like, 30 minutes or less but when it comes to lessons learned, my gosh, I don't know why I let myself live without reading this book.
The story is about four mice named Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw. These characters live in a maze (which represents environment) and their main goal is to search for cheese ( which represents happiness and success). Since we're dealing with animal characters, yep, you've guessed it --- it's a fable; a fable that can help you cope up with the only constant thing on earth: CHANGE.
Admit it, when change happens, we often react negatively towards it. Dealing with it can result to stress, complaints and worst, resistance. Even I can see a bit of Hem in myself especially when I don't like the change. Sometimes, it's easier to complain and feel rejected than to actually embrace the change and be joyful in the end.
Change is constant, whether we like it or not. Acceptance is the key and letting go. You too can create that change in your life. If you don’t know where to start, begin by reading this book. It will help you understand it more, just like how it helped me.
Thursday, May 31
Sunday, May 27
Cooking 101: Spicy Garlic Chicken in Oyster Sauce
As I have previously bought a bottle of oyster sauce, I've decided to experiment once again, this time using chicken as my main ingredient.
1/2k chicken breast or wings (whichever part you want)
1 whole head of garlic, crushed
1 med-sized onion, chopped
salt & pepper to taste
2T oyster sauce
2T sugar
1/2cup water
1T garlic powder
This is one of the easiest viands I've made in a long time. First, saute the garlic and onion in 3T Canola oil. Add the chicken and cook until light brown in color. Add the oyster sauce, salt, pepper, sugar and garlic powder. Turn the fire into medium. Wait until all the chicken parts are coated with the oyster sauce then pour the water. If you want more sauce, just add more water then add 1tsp of cornstarch dissolved in water to thicken the sauce. Serve with fried rice and iced cold soda or fruit juice. Enjoy!
1/2k chicken breast or wings (whichever part you want)
1 whole head of garlic, crushed
1 med-sized onion, chopped
salt & pepper to taste
2T oyster sauce
2T sugar
1/2cup water
1T garlic powder
This is one of the easiest viands I've made in a long time. First, saute the garlic and onion in 3T Canola oil. Add the chicken and cook until light brown in color. Add the oyster sauce, salt, pepper, sugar and garlic powder. Turn the fire into medium. Wait until all the chicken parts are coated with the oyster sauce then pour the water. If you want more sauce, just add more water then add 1tsp of cornstarch dissolved in water to thicken the sauce. Serve with fried rice and iced cold soda or fruit juice. Enjoy!
Saturday, May 26
21 Memos From Your Child
I know Zeke is too young to be considered as a kid but guess what, in a few months he'll be a toddler, walking around and maybe even talking audibly. As of now, he's learning so many things that even I am having a hard time to keep up. He's growing up too fast that in seconds, he can pick up a new antic and may have already memorized it by the end of the day.
Why am I talking about this? Well, I saw a certain picture frame in my pediatrician's office which says "21 Memos From A Child". I was quickly awestruck by the little memos and that's when I thought, "Hey, that made sense." I could have copied the entire thing on my planner but decided against it as I don't have much time. Instead, I Googled (when in doubt, Google it ---- my new motto) it and here's the exact replica of what I've seen:
21 Memos From Your Child
22. Don't forget to read me bed time stories and kiss me goodnight. It gives me the sense of security and trust that you will always love and have time for me, no matter what.
I think it will help if daddies will also learn about this.
Why am I talking about this? Well, I saw a certain picture frame in my pediatrician's office which says "21 Memos From A Child". I was quickly awestruck by the little memos and that's when I thought, "Hey, that made sense." I could have copied the entire thing on my planner but decided against it as I don't have much time. Instead, I Googled (when in doubt, Google it ---- my new motto) it and here's the exact replica of what I've seen:
21 Memos From Your Child
- Don't spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all that I ask for. I'm only testing you.
- Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it, it makes me feel more secure.
- Don't let me form bad habits. I have to rely on you to detect them in the early stages.
- Don't make me feel smaller than I am. It only makes me behave stupidly "big."
- Don't correct me in front of people if you can help it. I'll take much more notice if you talk quietly with me in private.
- Don't make me feel my mistakes are sins. It upsets my sense of values.
- Don't protect me from consequences. I sometimes need to learn the painful way.
- Don't be too upset when I say, "I hate you." It isn't you that I hate but your power to thwart me.
- Don't take too much notice of my small ailments. Sometimes they get me the attention I need.
- Don't nag. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf.
- Don't forget that I cannot explain myself as well as I should like. This is why I'm not always very accurate.
- Don't make rash promises. Remember, that I feel badly let down when promises are broken.
- Don't tax my honesty too much. I am easily frightened into telling lies.
- Don't be inconsistent. That completely confuses me and makes me lose faith in you.
- Don't tell me my fears are silly. They are terribly real, and you can do much to reassure me if you try to understand.
- Don't put me off when I ask questions. If you do, you will find that I stop asking and seek my information elsewhere.
- Don't ever suggest that you are perfect or infallible. It gives me too great a shock.
- Don't ever think it is beneath your dignity to apologize to me. An honest apology makes me feel surprisingly warm toward you.
- Don't forget how quickly I am growing up. It must be difficult to keep pace with me, but please do try.
- Don't forget I love experimenting. I couldn't get on without it, so please put up with it.
- Don't forget that I can't thrive without lots of understanding and love. But I don't need to tell you this, do I?
22. Don't forget to read me bed time stories and kiss me goodnight. It gives me the sense of security and trust that you will always love and have time for me, no matter what.
I think it will help if daddies will also learn about this.

child care,
random thoughts
Zeke's Party Suppliers
One of the glorious reason why I love the Internet is because it allows me to do things easily. For a working mom like me who practically breathes "multitasking", the capability of getting things done in a click of a button is like discovering electricity.
Since I want to have a DIY party, the Internet has been my loving (sometimes berating) ally in my utmost search for motherhood pride. And, the Internet has also led me to find these precious jewels who are willing to provide me with their best work. I know this means I'm having a semi-DIY party but hey, I'm working so this is as good as its going to be. I can't argue with affordable (yet high class) helps *teehee*
Enough chit-chat. Here's my list of dependable allies, willing to help me give my son the best first birthday party he deserves:
Contact Person: Jaymarie Asibal (she's a female by the way and prefers to be called "Jay")
Numbers: 09228246810 or (02)3405860
Email: orderlittlecakes@gmail.com
Location: #4 Gumamela St. Sampaguita Village, Malanday, Marikina City (the little village in front of South Supermarket)
We had our food tasting awhile ago when we visited their factory and trust me, the cupcakes were very moist and the icing was not too sweet! They'll provide you with the best package and if you live near their place, there will be no service charge for the delivery. We'll be returning this coming June 2nd to give our 50% down payment (since we booked early) and voila, they'll take care of your cakes needs. Just to let you know, their list of clientele varies from big showbiz personnel to simple homemakers so don't hesitate to tell them your budget as they're very accommodating. Shoot them an email or better yet, drop by their factory for a much better experience.
Contact Person: Cherryl Santos (Chee for short)
Numbers: 0927-585-3826
or 0917-892-6624
Email: cheesantos20@yahoo.com
Location: Marikina City
I'm still in the pencil reservation stage as Chee is still checking if they're available on the 7th (I really, really hope so). My niece Badet recommended them and since she has pledged half of the cost (yes, I am so blessed to have loving family members!), I want to make sure that the candy buffet will be really pretty. I'm crossing my fingers that they are available as I'm loving their candy buffet set up. As of now, they're only using Facebook as their site platform but I'm guessing through word of mouth, they'll be able to build their list of clientele and finally, conquer the world of candy buffet ateliers. Check out their site to know why I'm raving about them.
Contact Numbers: (02) 901-3299
Location: 1st Level, TriNoma Mall
Finally, after hours of looking on the Net, I've found this shop which specializes in embroidery and personalized things! Just drop by their shop in TriNoma and you'll know what I'm talking about. I already got our finished costumes and I was really happy with the results (and to think it only costs Php 156.00!)
Contact Person: Apple Cabel
Numbers: (02) 668-9741 or 0928 5211028
Email: yanplepartyshop@yahoo.com
Location: Marikina City
I've already informed Apple of what we need --- since it will be held in our front yard, it will be an outdoor party filled with balloons, banderitas and the whole entourage. I'm seriously considering getting paper lanterns that light up in case the party continues until it gets dark. But, so far, we'll be getting the food carts, balloon centerpieces/cake & entrance arch, stage backdrop, character standees and of course, the bubble show. I heard it was really entertaining. -----update (6/8/12): we'll be getting the ice cream cart and bubble show instead because...
Contact Person: Jesslyn Domingo
Numbers: 0946-5422493 or 0915-8635414
Email: jdpartyshop@yahoo.com
Location: Somewhere in QC
JD will be our balloon decorator. Thank goodness I found them as with this package, I will be 3000++ richer (and yes, still within my working budget!)
Contact Person: Karen
Numbers: (02) 546-2663
Email: grafixicon@yahoo.com
Location: Cainta (Office and Show Room) | Marikina City (Fabrication and Warehouse)
My sister, who's a manager at Jollibee, recommended them as they are the ones responsible for printing Jollibee Parang's tarpaulins. Anyway, they've sent me a sample of their works and I was really happy! They also print invitations, stickers and standees.
Okay, these are my trusty allies to help me prep for Zeke's first birthday bash. Now, here's a list of pledges from various family members (which, without them, I will not know how to stretch my budget *teehee*):
PixGalore! Photo Booth --- c/o Ann, contact person Michelle
I've seen their works since they were the one who did the photo booth at my niece's (Alenna) 18th birthday
Tibulong Catering Services --- c/o Ate Emet
I don't know if they have a site but their food are to-die for! I love their Chicken Cordon Blu and Fish Fillet and I'm not saying this because she's Zeke's aunt and godmother or my sis-in-law.
For the host, my sister will be do it. For the photographers, I have three lovely volunteers (that's 3 DSLR-taken photos. Amateur or not, they're still awesome). For the invites lay-out and AVP, my nephew's girlfriend Alezza will be in-charge.
I'm still working on what to do with the video service and AVP. Thankfully, I have a month to think about it. *teehee*
Anyway, I have finally scheduled Zeke's photo shoot with Pic-A-Boo Photo Studio The Block. I'll keep you posted! -----updated (6/11/12): check out my post about Zeke's photo shoot after the jump!
child care,
Tuesday, May 15
Cooking 101: Steamed Cream Dory in Light Soy Sauce
Since I still have a few fish fillets left in the freezer, I have decided to try a different recipe. It's also a good time as we've been eating mostly fried or greasy food. That's why I used steaming as my method of cooking.
500g cream dory fillet, sliced into serving portions
1 small ginger, sliced
for the sauce-
2T soy sauce
2T oyster sauce
2T sugar
2tsp sesame oil (optional)
other half of the ginger, Julianne
1/4 c water
toasted garlic for presentation and additional crunch
500g cream dory fillet, sliced into serving portions
1 small ginger, sliced
for the sauce-
2T soy sauce
2T oyster sauce
2T sugar
2tsp sesame oil (optional)
other half of the ginger, Julianne
1/4 c water
toasted garlic for presentation and additional crunch
- Thaw the fish fillet properly. Place in a foil. Add the sliced ginger. Steam for about 5-10 minutes.
- While waiting for the fish to cook, prepare the sauce. Combine all ingredients together in a sauce pan. Let it simmer while mixing continuously.
- Remove the steamed fish and place in a ceramic or serving dish. Pour the sauce.
- Top with toasted garlic.
- Serve while hot with a bowl of steaming rice.
Sunday, May 13
My First Ever Mother's Day
I gave birth July of last year so I still can't (technically) qualify to be called a mother so today would be my first mother's day celebration. Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything extra-ordinary as we're focused on Zeke's first birthday.
Well, I was in for a surprise. Instead of me doing the cooking, my husband cooked my favorite breakfast ---- pancakes drenched in maple syrup, poached eggs and a cup of delicious tea. ☺ But what really caught my attention was the shape of the pancakes. Take a look and see for yourself:
He kept on insisting that it's a heart. I let it passed as I was touched by what he wrote on the pancake. Mind you, he's normally NOT a romantic person. I wonder what changed him. ✌
I still can't get over the fact that I am finally a mother. When I was little, I've always looked up to my mom as a sort of superwoman. Although I had the privilege of having a yaya, my mother always made sure that she makes us her #1 priority.
My mom was always there whenever I need her. Boys problem, school dilemma, friendship talks. She was my best friend. And, to tell you frankly, I didn't have ANY idea how difficult it is to become a mom as she showed no kapaguran. She was my idol, my beacon of hope. I think that will never change.
And now, it's my turn to do everything she did and probably more to my adorable Zeke. I remembered how difficult it was to carry him in my womb especially during the critical months. But I enjoyed pregnancy; it taught me so many things that I would never know had I not chosen to become a mom.
And now, I am still learning. My son is almost a year old and he's definitely good at testing my patience. He's learning and developing so fast that I'm often afraid of blinking because if I do, I might miss it. All I want to do now is become the best mother for Zeke. Thus, I promised to do what my mother did to me, and if I could surpass it, I will.
Enjoy this day ♥
Well, I was in for a surprise. Instead of me doing the cooking, my husband cooked my favorite breakfast ---- pancakes drenched in maple syrup, poached eggs and a cup of delicious tea. ☺ But what really caught my attention was the shape of the pancakes. Take a look and see for yourself:
He kept on insisting that it's a heart. I let it passed as I was touched by what he wrote on the pancake. Mind you, he's normally NOT a romantic person. I wonder what changed him. ✌
I still can't get over the fact that I am finally a mother. When I was little, I've always looked up to my mom as a sort of superwoman. Although I had the privilege of having a yaya, my mother always made sure that she makes us her #1 priority.
My mom was always there whenever I need her. Boys problem, school dilemma, friendship talks. She was my best friend. And, to tell you frankly, I didn't have ANY idea how difficult it is to become a mom as she showed no kapaguran. She was my idol, my beacon of hope. I think that will never change.
And now, it's my turn to do everything she did and probably more to my adorable Zeke. I remembered how difficult it was to carry him in my womb especially during the critical months. But I enjoyed pregnancy; it taught me so many things that I would never know had I not chosen to become a mom.
And now, I am still learning. My son is almost a year old and he's definitely good at testing my patience. He's learning and developing so fast that I'm often afraid of blinking because if I do, I might miss it. All I want to do now is become the best mother for Zeke. Thus, I promised to do what my mother did to me, and if I could surpass it, I will.
Enjoy this day ♥
random thoughts
Saturday, May 12
Divi Trip (168 Mall) for Zeke's Birthday Bash
Today, my husband and I went to Divisoria to shop for party favors, prizes and scout for our little family's costumes. It was our first time and thankfully, my mom, two siblings and my aunt came with us (or else I wouldn't know how to survive).
We went to the old and new 168 Mall. It was both an exciting and scary feeling, not to mention confusing. We just commuted because I was advised by my co-workers not to rent a car due to the heavy traffic to and fro the said mall.
I'm very happy with what we have accomplished today. I was able to buy major prizes, consolation prizes, party needs like the plates, cups and other party favors.
We were also able to buy Zeke's costume. Well, it was far from what I wanted but I wanted to stretch my budget. Instead of buying a Php 3500 worth overall, we went for a Ferrari polo priced only at Php350 300. Same goes for our costumes, which were identical Ferrari polo shirts for only Php 250 200. My husband and I will just put MUM on my shirt and DAD on his while ZEKE on our baby boy's polo so that it will still look personalized. Anyone knows where I can get a professional burdadista (I'm not sure how to call tailors who sew names, LOL)
My son's cousin, Ann, bought him shoes as part of his costume from Riyadh. So, all that's missing is my son's pants/shorts. I'm still undecided as to whether I'll go for white or black shorts or red shorts. Pants and overalls are out of the picture as we've decided to do the party in our residence (an outdoor party, to be exact).
We had a conflict with our chosen date in Gaberielle's place (a wedding has already booked the function hall since January, can you believe it?) and since we don't want to celebrate it on a later date (the only available dates are from the 14th onwards), we've decided to do it at home. Our front yard has a 10x7 meters size so I think it'll be enough for 30-40 kids plus 70 adults. ☺
Okay, update on my checklist:
Date ☑
Time ☑
Venue ☑
Theme ☑
Zeke's costume ☑ need to buy shorts (red, white or black)
Mum and Dad's costumes ☑
Disney Cars paper plates, cups, banderitas, party hats, name tags, loot bags ☑ need to look for paper lanterns, table napkins, whistles/party blowers and cutlery set
Lightning McQueen pinyata ☑ need to fill it up with candies and little toys
Games major prize for adults (Cars pillow), major prize for kids (bags), consolation prize for adults (big ball pens), consolation prize for kids (stationary set with candies) ☑ need to look for Lightning McQueen plush toys, souvenirs
Chosen the following suppliers for:
Cake ☑ set appointment with Little Cakes Factory
Party Decors/Food Carts/Host or Magicians ☑ set appointment with Yan-Ple Party Shop
Photo Booth ☑ set appointment with Pix Galore (c/o Ann)
Candy Buffet ☑ set appointment with The Candy Atelier (c/o Bowding)
Catering (kids and adults buffet) ☑set appointment with Tibulong Catering Services (c/o Ate Emet)
Sound System ☑set appointment with Kuya Eman from Magic 89.9 (hihi)
Guest list
Invites (lay-out c/o Alezza)
Thank You Stickers
Photographers (ask Mae, Mark and Francis)
Photo session with Pic-A-Boo Photo Studio
Okay, looking at what I have now, I think I'm doing a great job with this DIY Party Planning! ✌
Alright, time to sleep. It'll be Mother's Day soon. Honestly, I'm quite excited as it's going to be my first Mom's Day celeb. I wonder what's in store for me tomorrow? *wink wink*
Now, before I end this post, here's a picture of my baby trying on his new Lightning McQueen cap:
We went to the old and new 168 Mall. It was both an exciting and scary feeling, not to mention confusing. We just commuted because I was advised by my co-workers not to rent a car due to the heavy traffic to and fro the said mall.
I'm very happy with what we have accomplished today. I was able to buy major prizes, consolation prizes, party needs like the plates, cups and other party favors.
We were also able to buy Zeke's costume. Well, it was far from what I wanted but I wanted to stretch my budget. Instead of buying a Php 3500 worth overall, we went for a Ferrari polo priced only at Php
My son's cousin, Ann, bought him shoes as part of his costume from Riyadh. So, all that's missing is my son's pants/shorts. I'm still undecided as to whether I'll go for white or black shorts or red shorts. Pants and overalls are out of the picture as we've decided to do the party in our residence (an outdoor party, to be exact).
We had a conflict with our chosen date in Gaberielle's place (a wedding has already booked the function hall since January, can you believe it?) and since we don't want to celebrate it on a later date (the only available dates are from the 14th onwards), we've decided to do it at home. Our front yard has a 10x7 meters size so I think it'll be enough for 30-40 kids plus 70 adults. ☺
Okay, update on my checklist:
Date ☑
Time ☑
Venue ☑
Theme ☑
Zeke's costume ☑ need to buy shorts (red, white or black)
Mum and Dad's costumes ☑
Disney Cars paper plates, cups, banderitas, party hats, name tags, loot bags ☑ need to look for paper lanterns, table napkins, whistles/party blowers and cutlery set
Lightning McQueen pinyata ☑ need to fill it up with candies and little toys
Games major prize for adults (Cars pillow), major prize for kids (bags), consolation prize for adults (big ball pens), consolation prize for kids (stationary set with candies) ☑ need to look for Lightning McQueen plush toys, souvenirs
Chosen the following suppliers for:
Cake ☑ set appointment with Little Cakes Factory
Party Decors/Food Carts/Host or Magicians ☑ set appointment with Yan-Ple Party Shop
Photo Booth ☑ set appointment with Pix Galore (c/o Ann)
Candy Buffet ☑ set appointment with The Candy Atelier (c/o Bowding)
Catering (kids and adults buffet) ☑set appointment with Tibulong Catering Services (c/o Ate Emet)
Sound System ☑set appointment with Kuya Eman from Magic 89.9 (hihi)
Guest list
Invites (lay-out c/o Alezza)
Thank You Stickers
Photographers (ask Mae, Mark and Francis)
Photo session with Pic-A-Boo Photo Studio
Okay, looking at what I have now, I think I'm doing a great job with this DIY Party Planning! ✌
Alright, time to sleep. It'll be Mother's Day soon. Honestly, I'm quite excited as it's going to be my first Mom's Day celeb. I wonder what's in store for me tomorrow? *wink wink*
Now, before I end this post, here's a picture of my baby trying on his new Lightning McQueen cap:
child care,
Cooking 101: Tempura-Styled Fish Fillet with Garlic Mayo Dip
My suki was able to grab a few bags of Cream Dory at the local farmer's market today so I bought home a kilo. I've been wanting to do an experiment on this fish for a long time and thankfully, now's my chance.
I got this recipe from my (surprise, surprise) mum and it was the easiest fish fillet recipe I've ever done.
1 cup All-Purpose Flour
500g Cream Dory fillet, cut into serving pieces
2 beaten eggs
salt & pepper to taste
3T calamansi or lemon juice
oil for pan frying
for the sauce-
1 cup mayonnaise
1 head garlic, crushed
2 T sugar
I got this recipe from my (surprise, surprise) mum and it was the easiest fish fillet recipe I've ever done.
1 cup All-Purpose Flour
500g Cream Dory fillet, cut into serving pieces
2 beaten eggs
salt & pepper to taste
3T calamansi or lemon juice
oil for pan frying
for the sauce-
1 cup mayonnaise
1 head garlic, crushed
2 T sugar
- Thaw the frozen fish fillet properly. Pour the lemon or calamansi juice over the fish. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Prepare the APF in a saucer and the beaten eggs in a bowl. Coat each serving piece lightly in APF then in eggs then in APF again before frying. You may substitute the last APF coating to Japanese bread crumbs to add crunch to the fillet.
- Pan fry and drain in paper towels.
- For the sauce, combine mayo, crushed garlic and sugar. Mix well.
- Serve with a steaming bowl of rice.
Wednesday, May 9
Zeke's 10th Month Celebration
As the days toward Zeke's first birthday draws near, I can feel an unbelievable excitement only a mother can feel beginning to rise up. I'm like a shaken can of soda, ready to burst. But of course, that doesn't mean that everything had to be placed on hold just so we could stretch our budget. No no no. So today, we still celebrated Zeke's 10th month. ♥
We just bought chicken from Jollibee and a chocolate cake from Simply. He has now mastered the at of clapping, tumbling, standing up on his own, balancing to walk and walking when assisted. He's also started to copy sounds, antics and even words. He loves to dance and sing (yes, with the inaudible words and all) and often prefers to play than to sleep. He loves eating solid food now but still prefers my breastmilk at night.
In conclusion, I could say that Zeke is growing up normally and his pedia even says he's developments are in the advanced stage, maybe because he's the only kid at home. ☺Thank you Papa Jesus for looking out for my little baby.
We just bought chicken from Jollibee and a chocolate cake from Simply. He has now mastered the at of clapping, tumbling, standing up on his own, balancing to walk and walking when assisted. He's also started to copy sounds, antics and even words. He loves to dance and sing (yes, with the inaudible words and all) and often prefers to play than to sleep. He loves eating solid food now but still prefers my breastmilk at night.
In conclusion, I could say that Zeke is growing up normally and his pedia even says he's developments are in the advanced stage, maybe because he's the only kid at home. ☺Thank you Papa Jesus for looking out for my little baby.
child care
Monday, May 7
First Birthday Party Checklist
By popular demand, here's the checklist I'm using for my semi-DIY first birthday bash of Zeke (credits to Birthday Party Ideas Cafe):
2. Decide on your budget.
3. Spend time with the honored guest and decide on colors and/or theme.
4. Decide on the amount of guest you want to entertain, or that you must invite, and make your party guest list
5. Make a birthday party supplies list. Keep all your lists paper clipped right behind your party planning checklist.
6. Decide of you are using your home, office, or venue and whether it will be inside, outside, or both.
7. If using venue, book now.
1. Decide on the date.2. Decide on your budget.
3. Spend time with the honored guest and decide on colors and/or theme.
4. Decide on the amount of guest you want to entertain, or that you must invite, and make your party guest list
5. Make a birthday party supplies list. Keep all your lists paper clipped right behind your party planning checklist.
6. Decide of you are using your home, office, or venue and whether it will be inside, outside, or both.
7. If using venue, book now.
1. Prepare invitations:
remember to put RSVP, directions if needed, and other appropriate
details. Make sure you have all your potential guests phone number and
address. (Address to send invite and phone number to check up if they
don’t RSVP)
2. Decide on games you are going to play, and make a list of supplies you will need for each game.
3. Decide if you are going
to play music. Get your songs in order or cd’s together, or put songs
on your shopping list. (remember…attach these list to your party
planning checklist)
4. If you are going to have a DJ or entertainer than you should book now.
1. Send or hand out invitations.
2. Get your supplies for
the games together. Keep them all ready to go in a box or bag until day
of party. It will keep things from getting misplaced or ‘little hands’
misplacing them:) You will also appreciate that those aspects of the
party can be crossed out.
3. If ordering a cake do that now, better to be early than late.
4. This is a good time to
ask any family or friends to help you on the day of your party. It is
good to have at least on person to be there just for you as a pair of
extra hands, and also support during the party. If they can help you
with parts of this party planning checklist that will help also help
take some of the load off.
5. Decide on the extent of
food and beverage you will be serving. Will you be going with finger
food, or are you having a sit down dinner? How about a punch bowl?
Carve out the details and make a list. Grocery stores do great finger
food plates if you have a budget for that. If not there are plenty of
easy fun finger foods out there for kids and adults.
1. If you are doing music, get your cd’s ready to go.
2. Prepare any food that can be put together and frozen.
3. Now is the time to get
together, order, and buy all your party decorations. Have them all
together and ready to use when the decorating day comes.
1. Follow up with guests who haven’t RSVPed.
2. Clean out your fridge to make room for all your party food needs.
3. Buy all your non-perishable food and drink needs including plastic cups, plates etc.
4. Make sure you have enough film, video tape, and batteries.
5. Double check your party
planning checklist and see what you might have missed. It helps to
note when it is a completely done task.
1. Remove previously prepared food from the freezer to thaw.
2. Pick up food and birthday cake if ordered OR decorate your cake.
3. Start to decorate your house preferably with help.
4. Write a plan or agenda
for your party. Make this for you, so you have something to refer to
from time to time. Examples: Guests have drinks while waiting for
everyone to arrive, then serve food before opening presents. Kids play
outside until guests arrive then to games, etc. It’s your party…an
activity plan will give you peace of mind
5. Double check your party planning checklist again…any missed areas? Hopefully not
1. Have empty liners in garbage and in eye view for the party.
2. Put down your disposable table cloths, and put out your food if any.
3. Finish last touches on
your decorations, make sure to have a place prepared to put the gifts
gifts. Having a special place to put all the gifts will add a great
decorative touch to the party.
4. Have the party bags to give out ready to go by the door for when guests leave.
5. Pick up helium balloons.
6. Have your party agenda available for you any time you need it.
1. Did the party planning checklist help you out?
2. Don’t forget to greet everyone at the door with a smile.
3. Don’t forget to take notes of the gifts given for thank you notes.
4. Don’t forget to Have Fun!!!
As of tonight, only 2 months to go before Zeke's party! :)
child care
Sunday, May 6
What You Should Never Forget by Bo Sanchez
I was browsing the net to get more ideas for Zeke's first birthday bash when I came across this article. A must read especially for working moms and dads (like me):
What You Should Never Forget
I remember this day like it was yesterday.
This happened a couple of years ago.
went home excited, mentally planning our Father-Son trip to the mall.
(Each week, I try to have a date with my boys. Sometimes together.
Sometimes separately. That day, I was going to have a date with my
eldest boy, Bene.)
But as I arrived home and stepped down of my car, my phone rang.
“Bo, are you already at the wedding?” my friend asked me.
“Huh? What wedding?” I asked.
“The wedding of Amina…”
Wham! It was like I was hit by a bat on the head. I totally forgot about the wedding!
How can I now tell Bene?
The little guy was so looking forward to our date.
When I entered the house, I greeted him and said, “I’ve got a problem about our date …” I told him about the wedding.
That was when my wife said, “Son, can you go with Daddy to the
wedding? That’ll be your date.” (Thank God for my wise wife.)
A few minutes later, my son and I were riding the car in our matching barong tagalogs.
It turned out that we were early for the wedding, so we walked to a
coffee shop beside the church, and talked and laughed together as he ate
his favorite cinnamon roll.
The wedding was superb!
It was also a wonderful time for me to give mini-lectures to my little
pupil—in whispers at the back pew—on marriage, family, and love.
After the wedding, the reception was at the exclusive Polo Club.
While waiting for the dinner to begin, we had a phenomenal time
sitting down on the grass (yes, still in our barongs) under the canopy
of stars—and chatted the night away.
“I don’t want to be a cowboy anymore, Daddy,” he said.
“No more?” This was a shock to me. It had been his declared dream ever
since he was two. In fact, his first word wasn’t “mama”. It was
“horse.” (I’m not kidding.)
He piped up, “I don’t want to be a Cowboy anymore. I just want to ride horses for pleasure.”
“Okay. What do you want to be?”
“A businessman.” (Six-year old kids have a way of declaring their
dreams as though it’s as sure as the planet is round. I wonder what age
we lose that confidence?)
“That’s great. You can own a ranch. How many horses do you want to own?”
“About ten,” he grinned.
“How will you earn to maintain the ranch?” I asked.
“Kids can ride my horses for P20 each…”
“Uh…, isn’t that a bit too cheap?”
“They can also feed my rabbits if they pay something. And I’ll sell my
customers snacks and have a restaurant in my ranch.”
“That’s fantastic.”
“My ranch will also have an imaginary forest.”
“A what?”
“An imaginary forest. Parents will be afraid if their kids go to a
real forest with real animals. So I’ll make an imaginary forest with
robotic animals—even some legendary creatures like dinosaurs, unicorns,
“Yes, because there’ll be a lake in my ranch. With a shipwreck. Kids can also visit the shipwreck.”
planning for his future, we got our plates and stood in front of the
buffet table for the entire evening. Because the food was so fabulous,
we didn’t bother to sit down. That night, he ate seven sticks of
barbecue and I gobbled up 50% of the European cheeses there.
In other words, my date with Bene was a ball.
I didn’t have a weekly date with him, how will I know about his dreams?
I would have missed hearing that he didn’t want to be a Cowboy
anymore, that he wanted an imaginary forest, robotic animals, a lake
and a shipwreck for kids to visit and have fun…
was even more convinced of my family goals when I read the frightening
statistics from David Perdew about “fatherless kids”. According to
statistics, children from a fatherless home are:
· Five times more likely to commit suicide
· Thirty-two times more likely to run away
· Twenty times more likely to have behavioral disorders
· Fourteen times more likely to commit rape (this applies to boys)
· Nine times more likely to drop out of high school
· Ten times more likely to abuse chemical substances
· Nine times more likely to end up in a charitable institution
· Twenty times more likely to end up in prison for a long period of time
Fathers—and mothers—your kids need you.
David Perdew says we either pay now or pay later.
And when you pay later, it always costs more.
I suggest you pay now.
Don’t Make The Mistake Of Paying Later…
Most mornings, I bike with my two boys around our village.
Actually they bike and I run after them.
Because I don’t have a bike (mine is broken).
But I don’t mind.
that means they win our races. And they have fun laughing at their
father who always comes last, my tongue hanging out of my mouth, ready
to faint.
This morning, after biking, we also played chess and checkers. Obviously, I beat them in every game. (Sweet Revenge!)
days, we play the Wii together. It’s an interactive game console and we
have loads of fun doing that. From pingpong to bowling to flying to
car racing. (Yes, the old guy looses again.)
And if I can get off from work a bit early, we’ll go running and biking again in the afternoon.
My point?
I spend an enormous amount of time with my kids.
Is it difficult?
You bet.
do a lot of stuff. I run 12 businesses. I lead 9 non-profit
organizations. I preach 300 times a year. I write 80 articles a month.
But I’ve made a decision that nothing is more important than my family.
Here’s what I learned about life: You either pay now or you pay later. If you pay later, it’ll cost more.
I don’t want to pay later. It’ll cost me 100 times more!
Like some parents I know. Sadly, they never spent time with their kids. In other words, they didn’t pay before.
these parents are paying. They sit restless at night, crying, worrying
about their adult children. And they ask these very painful questions:
· “Why is my son hanging out with the wrong crowd?”
· “Is my son drinking too much? Is he taking drugs too?”
· “Why did my daughter choose that bum as her boyfriend?”
· “Will my son ever grow up and take responsibility?”
· “What have I done wrong as a parent?”
I ask you: Don’t pay later.
It’s more painful that way.
No matter how difficult, pay now.
Spend time with your kids.
Make it faithful. Make it fun. Make it fantastic.
May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez.
That's why my husband and I always make sure that we spend our weekends together, kahit maliit pa si Zeke. This was also the topic of today's homily. Akmang-akma. Our responsibilities as parents don't end in the basic necessities. It's about being a family, being around for your kid to know you. Pay now; spend quality time with your kids.
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biking with daddy |
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lunch dates with mommy |
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laugh trips with mommy |
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quiet time with daddy |
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but most of all, spending quality time with my little family |
Credits to MommysList for posting the article. Fantastic timing!
child care,
random thoughts
Saturday, May 5
DIY Party Planning (Part Two)
Where are we now? We’re nearing the two-month period of preparation
for my little boy’s first birthday bash. Ever since I’ve made my planner and also
did a Pinterest account, I have been overly stoked to finish everything on my
Just an update, here’s what you’ve missed on my party
planning (finalized checklist):
Date: July 7,
2012 (two days before his real birthday as the ninth falls on a Monday)
Theme: Disney
Pixar Cars
Guests: 70
adults, 30 kids (excluding the 5 babies I have on my list, I mean, they don’t
actually eat yet, right?)
Souvenirs: For the adults-
hire a photo booth with a customized lay-out using Zeke’s photos, For the kids- 30
mini Lightning McQueen stools from Handicrafts, Atbp., For the babies- 5
Lightning McQueen plushies **** Still thinking about what to give the godparents as
Games: I have
decided on five games (Race Car Relay, Trip Around the Race Tracks, Fastest
Refilling Station, Look for Zeke the Racer, and Cheer up Zeke) --- three for
the kids plus the pabitin and the pinyata, two for the adults.
Prizes: 10 Major
prizes (Cars watch from Divi, will still canvass the price) and 20 consolation
prices (maybe loot bags filled with school supplies and candies)
Party Needs: Will
take a trip to Divi by the end of this month, weeee!
Pic-A-Boo in The Block for the DYI invites, tarpaulin and standee
My husband’s nephew’s girlfriend agreed on doing the lay-out
for the invitation and tarpaulin. She also volunteered on doing the AVP (How
Good thing DSLRs are now readily available so I have three trusty picture
takers --- my husband’s niece, my sister-in-law and my sister’s boyfriend.
Cake: Will be using Little Cakes Factory and I think we will opt for the customized, two-layered cake.
Entertainment: My
hubby and I want a clown host that can do magic tricks and balloon twisting.
Currently under negotiations.
Food: We want an
adult and kid buffet, still checking the packages sent by Villa Ronar and CVJ
Catering. We also want a candy buffet and food carts.
Venue: Villa
Ronar offers an extremely tempting package and so does CVJ. But we’re also
considering getting a venue rate only and doing the rest of the preps ourselves. ***UPDATE!! We'll be getting Gaberielle's Place in Marikina City. (5/7/12)
Party Needs: Hoping
to score a good package from our online requests
Costume: I have
inquired with Baby Fashionist and unfortunately, the measurement taking/pick-up
is at Sta. Mesa --- too far from our place. Back to square one then.
***UPDATE!! We'll be getting Theresemer Enterprises for Zeke and our costumes. (5/7/12)
***UPDATE!! We'll be getting Theresemer Enterprises for Zeke and our costumes. (5/7/12)
So far, everything is looking a bit messy (from my point of
view) but at least, we were able to finalized some of the things that needed
I’ll keep you posted, dear readers! On the 14th, we’ll probably take Zeke at The Block to have his first ever photo shoot. I’m so excited!
child care
Friday, May 4
SM Star Baby 2012 Promo
I don't usually join promos but I think this one is worth blogging about. So, what do you think?
Start Date : January 29, 2012
End Date : December 31, 2012
Time : 12:00 pm to12:00 pm
End Date : December 31, 2012
Time : 12:00 pm to12:00 pm
duration is from January 29 to December 31, 2012 in Baby Company
outlets in all SM Department Stores and soon to open branches of SM
Department Stores within the promo period.
Subject to qualification requirements, babies who are 18 months old
and below and of Filipino citizenship as of date of registration, are
eligible to join Star Baby 2012.
Parent or guardian of contestant must be a member of Mom Card , SMAC
or SM Prestige. Name to on registration form must be the same name on
the Mom Card , SMAC or SM Prestige Card.
Mom Card , SMAC or SM Prestige member should have an accumulated
purchase of at least P5,000 at Baby Company in any SM Dept. Store.
Purchase must include at least P500 worth of PIGEON and/or EQ DRY items
within the promo period.
Items purchased at SM Hypermarket / Super SM branches as well as Baby
Company specialty stores at The Podium, The Power Plant Mall, The Annex
SM North Edsa, Southmall, SM City Cebu shall not be counted for
purposes of computing the accumulated purchases.
Customers must pre-register at any SM Dept. Store branch by filling
out pre-registration log sheet to begin tracking of P5,000 qualifying
amount. Information on the purchases is recorded through SM Advantage
Card’s computer system.
Upon reaching the qualifying purchase requirements, the Mom Card
member may fill out the Star Baby Registration Form from any sales
personnel at Baby Company.
The following must be placed in short brown envelope and submitted to
the Baby Company Branch Manager or Supervisor. All entries will be
placed in designated drop box in Baby Company branch.
Filled out Star Baby Registration Form
2 of baby’s best colored photos in 5R prints, comprising of 1
close-up shot from head to shoulder and 1 full body shot of baby against
plain white background (lying down, sitting or standing). The baby
must be wearing a plain top (preferably pastel pink, blue, yellow, green
etc), hence half-naked photos or nappy shots will not be accepted.
Photos of babies wearing any hat, head gear, or costumes will not be
Certified True Copy of the Birth Certificate
Letter or Authorization from parents or legal guardian, (in case the registrant is not the child’s parent/legal guardian.)
Personal appearance of baby is required during submission of requirements for authentication purposes.
Deadline for submission of entries per quarter selection are : Q1 –
March 31, 2012, Q2 – June 30, 2012, Q3 – September 30, 2012, Q4 -
December 31, 2012. All qualified entries from all the Baby Company
branches shall be immediately forwarded to Nursery Care Corporation,
Head Office for the determination of winners.
All photos of babies representing their respective branches vie for the zonal area elimination.
VISMIN* (6 branches) Cebu, Mandurriao, Delgado, Bacolod, Davao, CDO;
LUZON* (16 branches) Baguio, Rosales, Tarlac, Pampanga, Clark,
Baliuag, Marilao, Sta. Rosa, Lucena, Naga, Batangas, Lipa, San Pablo,
Calamba,Dasmarinas, Rosario
METRO MANILA*(18 branches) Fairview, Novaliches, NorthEdsa, Megamall,
Taytay, Makati, Cubao, Marikina, Masinag, San Lazaro, Quiapo, Manila,
Mall of Asia, Harrison, Bicutan, Sucat, Las Pinas, Bacoor * and all
soon-to-open Baby Company at SM Department Store branches within the
promo period. Baby Company will pre-select a set of 20 quarterly
finalists from the 3 regions, broken down into the following: 10 from
Metro Manila, 5 from Luzon, 5 from Vismin.
The 20 finalists will be selected at 3:00 PM on the following dates:
Q1- April 10, 2012; Q2- July 6, 2012; Q3- October 5, 2012; Q4- January
7, 2013.
The 20 Finalists will qualify for the online poll which will be
conducted through the Baby Company website. Pictures will be posted on
the Baby Company website. Online poll to determine the Star Baby
People’s Choice winner for the quarter will be conducted for a period
of seven (7 ) days per quarter, on the following dates:
Q1- April 13 to 19, 2012; Q2- July 11 to 17, 2012; Q3- October 10 to 16, 2012; Q4- January 10 to 16, 2013
Tuesday, May 1
Playtime with Zeke
When Zeke learned how to clap his hands on his 8th month, I felt so proud that I nearly told everyone. Then he learned how to clap his hands on command then started waving goodbye, all before he reached 10 months.
Now, Zeke can point using his index finger. Somehow, I feel like the proudest mom in the entire planet! I can also feel that with so many of his milestones, it has created a virtuous cycle: Zeke was pleased with himself and has seen that I am pleased too, so he'll do it again and again. Maybe that's the reason why he's happy all the time; it brings positive vibes around the home.
This month, I've realized another emerging milestone in Zeke's life --- more playtime. He's becoming more and more energetic and would rather play in his playard or seat in his swing than to sleep. I've found this list in Netmums about playtime with babies:
Don't worry if you're not sure how to enjoy playtime with your baby. It's not always obvious how it's done. Try to let your baby lead the way - and cherish the moments you play together! Here are a more few tips and ideas:
Now, Zeke can point using his index finger. Somehow, I feel like the proudest mom in the entire planet! I can also feel that with so many of his milestones, it has created a virtuous cycle: Zeke was pleased with himself and has seen that I am pleased too, so he'll do it again and again. Maybe that's the reason why he's happy all the time; it brings positive vibes around the home.
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my little giant |
Playtime with your baby
Did you know that the simple business of playing with your baby can help promote bonding and boost development - as well as being a great way for you to relax and enjoy each other's company? Even as a newborn, your baby will respond to opportunities to 'play' with you - so it's never too early to start!Don't worry if you're not sure how to enjoy playtime with your baby. It's not always obvious how it's done. Try to let your baby lead the way - and cherish the moments you play together! Here are a more few tips and ideas:
Playtime with your 0-3 month-old
- Make eye contact with your baby. Smile and pull faces, poke out your tongue and a blow a raspberry. If she's in the right mood, she'll find it hugely amusing and will try to copy you. This is known as baby mirroring.
- Newborns love to be touched, so include tickling, massage, and toe-counting in your playtimes!
- Don't forget that talking and singing to your baby are vital ways of boosting her language and communication skills. So it's never too early for rhymes and action games, such as 'This little piggy'.
- Find the right time to play with your baby. Wait until a moment when she's relaxed but alert, and isn't tired, hungry, overstimulated or irritable.
- In the first month or two, your baby won't appreciate toys that much (however many she may have been showered with as gifts at birth). But she might enjoy looking at the shapes and colours of a mobile or cot bumper, especially if they're in bold colours or in black and white designs as these are easier for babies to see. Babygyms and textured playmats are also great idea, and will usually buy you a few valuable moments to get the odd job done as well as providing interest and stimulation for you baby. Be wary though - once she starts to roll over you'll need to keep a careful eye out.
Playtime with your 3-6 month-old
- Now that her grabbing and grasping skills are coming on, your baby will start to make the most of some of those toys she's got. She'll love to explore anything that's brightly coloured, noisy, or highly textured, and anything with a mirror is likely to be popular as she'll love to see her own reflection.
- Your baby may become attached to a special soft toy or doll now - a favoured toy like this can become a comfort object, and a useful aid to settling her at night. (The flipside is that if she wakes and it's out of her reach you might have to get up to help her find it. Worse still, it could get lost altogether!)
- Place toys just out of her reach and you'll encourage her to roll over, later, crawl.
- Bath time is a great opportunity to play! Give her a selection of appropriate toys, or just make your own fun with pouring, splashing and singing games. Try blowing bubbles - your baby will be mesmerized and it's likely to begin an interest in this simple childhood pleasure that will last a long time. Don't forget to make sure she's always firmly supported in the bath and never leave her unsupervised for even a second.
Playtime with your 6-9 month old
- About now, your baby's skills are blossoming and play can help. You can boost her fine motor skills (the smaller movements, of the fingers and hands for instance, which will eventually help her to master vital life skills, such as feeding, writing, tying shoelaces and many other things) by providing her with appropriate toys - activity centres, blocks, or stacking rings for example - or just ordinary household items, such as pots and pans and empty boxes. Make sure whatever you give her is safe, and be especially careful not to let her have anything with very small parts, and always be vigilant - once she can pick up small items, she can put them in her mouth!
- She'll love action rhymes, songs or games like Incy-Wincy Spider, Round and Round the Garden, Pat-a-Cake, or This is the Way The Farmer rides. And she'll gain lots more than just fun from playing these things will you - they'll also help boost her gross and fine motor skills, language and understanding, and intellectual development, too.
- Be wary of flashcards, educational DVDs and electronic toys that promise you a baby genius - the very best stimulation is the sort that you give her yourself!
Playtime with your 9-12 month-old
- Your baby will adore a game of 'peek-a-boo'! Pop out from behind the sofa, or just pull your hands over your eyes and then lift them away with a big smile! Or try 'Where's Teddy?', hiding her favourite toy under a cushion or blanket, before whipping it away to reveal all.
- Those toys really start to come into their own now. There are hundreds of well-designed and stimulating products for babies on the market, but you don't have to fork out for them.
- Toys aside, babies and small children often get the most fun of all from nothing more than what you've got lying around at home - and a little imagination! Give her some saucepans and a wooden spoon - but only if you can handle the noise! Alternatively, give her an item that will fit into the pans. She may spend ages putting it in and taking it out again. Or, set her up outside with some plastic cups and a large bowl or sandpit full of water, and let her get splashing. (Never leave her unsupervised with any amount of water, though, even for a moment.) Let her crumple and rip a magazine you've finished with it - she'll love the noise it makes. And although it's early days for craft activities, older babies can have a surprising amount of fun with finger paints and crayons.For a fun physical game, set up an obstacle course made of cushions for your baby to negotiate - then give her a huge clap and a cheer when she reaches the finishing line. Or try 'vroom-vrooms', pushing her round the sitting room in a cardboard-box 'car'.
- Once your baby is steady on her feet, a sturdy push-along toy will offer lots of fun, as well as helping to encourage her walking skills.
child care
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