Tuesday, January 31

Book Review: You Are An Amazing Girl by Ashley Rice

As part of my comeback (and somewhat, a New Year's goal), I am going to read a book every month and will provide book reviews and maybe even recommend books. For starters, I have read this awesome book by Ashley Rice. It's not your typical paperback-slash-bedside kind of book but I assure you, it'll be one the best books you'll read IN YOUR LIFETIME. This may sound cliche but it will change your life (ala-Oprah).

This book can be categorized under the inspirational category as it doesn't provide a concrete story but more of amazing (as the book title conveys) advices about the ups and downs of being a girl. By the way, don't be surprised by the age range of this book --- 7 and up. I know, for little kids but if you read between the lines, not only does this book caters to the young but for the young-at-heart.

Brilliant things happen unexpectedly. Well, that's what I think happened when I found this book lying around in my sister's room. I want to share this book to ALL the girls out there. It's only 60+ pages long but every page gives totally amazing advice! The author is Ashley Rice and based from what I've read in Google, she has written several books about being a totally awesome girl. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did. :)

Introduction: You Are an Amazing Girl is about a lot of things. It's about knowing how to win as well as how to lose and not get discouraged. It's about seeking out positive relationships in your life and not feeling pressured to be someone you're not. It's about expanding your mind and taking care of your body. It's about daring to take chances and making a contribution to the world with your talent. It's about caring and sharing and never giving up even when things get hard. But mostly it's about you ---- yes, you --- and everything you can be.
Well, that's only the introduction. My favorite poem in the book is:
What Makes You Different
You are unique, it's true...
There is no else quite like you
So don't hesitate to step out from the crowd,
To show your own style, your own smile,
Your own way of doing things...
Individuality is one of the greatest gift in life.
I'm not sure if it's still available in the market but I'd bet that it has a downloadable PDF somewhere. If you haven't read it yet, grab a copy (or search for it) because you'll be glad that you did. Seize the day.

Saturday, January 28

Revisited. Rekindled. Reclaimed.

I was reading my old blog tonight and I have realized something dreadful --- I no longer write with passion. I used to write my thoughts in random and eventually, the end result would be brilliant. Now, I write because I want to be viewed differently, to be known as a mother.

All this time, I thought I was writing to create a memento of a great year --- where everything that was great happened. I was wrong. All I'm doing is thinking what's best in writing than actually writing what I'm thinking. Is this the price of growing old?

Where has all my passion gone to? My complicated mind finally caught up with me and at the age of 27, I think that's a bit premature.I have always thought my rants and raves since 2004 (when I began blogging) would be the epitome of my (failed) writing career. I guess it was short-lived. 8 years and it all comes down to mechanical writing.

I want to write from the heart again, like all the posts I've written in my previous blog(s). Even though I have decided back then to forget about my childish (and sometimes, risky) twisted thoughts, I guess it wouldn't hurt to back track a little and let my mind speak, alongside my heart.

Writing just like before

I want to feel all sorts of emotions and translate them into an amazing post. I want to be my old self again except more polished and matured. I want to express what I wan to express --- and be not afraid of doing so.

Wow, I can't believe I am writing this down without hesitation; without fear of being judged by my son (whose existence is the MAIN reason why this blog was even born).

I feel like, I need to be matured because I'm already a mother

Zeke, if you're reading this --- welcome to my real writing style. All the posts (with the exception of this) have been written by my mind. After today, you will continue to see my mind's writings but don't be surprised if you'll read a few of my heart's pieces. Take note of what my heart says --- they are always true. But don't waste what my mind writes --- for they are seldom wrong.

DISCLAIMER: The Pink Princess is back so get ready for more rants and raves and anything else under the sun --- directly from my complicated mind to my twisted thoughts and now, with additional spices from Momma Mymy. Isn't it the reason for blogging? To have an outlet of random things to say? Oooh, I can't wait to make this more of a journal than a handbook (as what my Dydy calls it now). Seize the day.

Monday, January 23

Baby Basics and Hygiene

After that traumatic experience last year, I am determined to keep my baby safer which means, making sure everything is sterile, clean and baby-proof. One thing I'm very meticulous about is hygiene that's why I have decided to write this post and teach you the things I know.

I'm no expert but I'm a mother and I guess, for the past six months, my mother's instinct is growing stronger. And of course, with the help of my mom and mother-in-law, I have all the basics perfected like a pro. Okay, let's start the course:

How to trim your baby's nails

A baby's fingernails can grow so fast you may have to cut them several times a week. Toenails require less frequent trimming but make sure you keep an eye on those toesies especially when your baby's in his foot sucking stage.

The best time to do this is while he's sleeping. (You may want to leave nail utensils in the car so you can do the job while your baby's asleep in his car seat.) Another good time is right after a bath, when your baby's nails are at their softest.

Make sure you have enough light to see what you're doing. Use a pair of baby scissors or clippers made especially for the purpose. Press the finger pad away from the nail to avoid nicking the skin, and keep a firm hold on your baby's hand as you clip.

Cut fingernails along the curve of the finger. Cut toenails straight across. Then use an emery board to smooth out any rough edges. In fact, if you're patient and your baby's nails aren't too long, you can skip clipping them altogether and simply file them to the right length with an emery board.
Safety First Baby Nail Cutter

Doing it while Zeke's dozing off
In the harrowing event that you do nick a tiny fingertip, don't be too hard on yourself — it happens to lots of parents. Simply wrap a tissue around your baby's finger and hold it with a little pressure. The bleeding usually stops within a couple of minutes.

Resist the temptation to try to put a bandage on your baby's finger. It's likely to come off when he puts his finger in his mouth, and he could end up choking on it.

How to clean your baby's ears

Never insert a cotton swab or anything else into your baby's ear canal; you could easily puncture the eardrum that way. Earwax (cerumem) is nature's protection for the ear canal, and there's usually no reason to try to get it out of your baby's ears.

If you're concerned about a buildup of earwax, ask your baby's doctor about it. If there's so much wax that the doctor can't see the eardrum (which she'll need to do when checking for an ear infection), she'll remove it. Otherwise, it will come out on its own eventually, and sticking a cotton swab in there is likely to push it in farther.

Instead, simply clean the outer part of your baby's ears with a cotton swab moistened with oil or peroxide, or a washcloth moistened with warm water.

My best buds when cleaning Zeke's ears
Just the outer area, NEVER the inside!
So far, I've already tackled the basics such as diapering and bathing. I guess on my next post, I'll show you how to prepare solid foods. Zeke's about to start on pureed fruits this week and that will be the best time to show you how to make your own baby food.

Monday, January 16

Keeping Up with Zeke's Development

I have been keeping tabs of Zeke's development ever since he was born. Since I have a book from BabyCenter, I know what to expect and perhaps, even note if my baby is developing properly and hitting the advanced level.

I want to share my chart to you mommies out there, especially to the newbie moms who don't know how their child is doing. I am no doctor so instead of believing hear says, I resorted to the next best thing --- reading.

I hope this chart encourages you to do the same.

Sunday, January 15

Zeke Meets Cerelac Banana and Milk

Today, my husband and I fed Zeke semi-solid food for the first time. We wanted him to really eat at the start of his 6th month so that he was purely on milk (breastmilk) during his first 6 months of life. If I remember correctly, babies should be solely fed milk for the first six months of their life. But of course, you may start with semi-solid food by the age of 4 months.

Starting solid food is a gradual process. I was able to tell that Zeke is ready for solid food because:
  • he can hold his head upright
  • he can sit with support and is able to move food to the back of his mouth and swallow
  • he has a healthy weight (more than double his birth weight!)
  • he shows interest in the food that my husband and I eat (at one time, he almost grabbed my spoon and glass)
How to get started:
  • You need to have: a high chair, a bib, a bowl and a plastic (bendy) spoon
  •  First, wash your hands thoroughly before preparing the food. I recommend Cerelac because not only does it taste good, it's loaded with enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary for a growing baby.
  • Offer your breast milk or formula. When your baby's nearly full, give one to two teaspoons of dry cereal dissolved to become a soupy solution.
  • Give new foods gradually by sticking first to the cereal (give it once once a day). Don't forget to follow the preparation tips on the box for a safer introduction to solid.
  • Stick to one kind of food for a week to detect any food allergy. Then, wait until the third day before giving your baby any new kind of food. 


Happy Zeke *burp*
I'll make a new post about all these when I get the time regarding what to expect during birth to 6 months. I've been wanting to make these kind of entries for so long because I know that there are a lot of new mommies (like me!) out there who are very clueless about their not-so-little bundle of joys.

Cooking 101: Mild Bicol Express

This is the first time I'm cooking this authentic Filipino dish and for a beginner, my husband truly loved it! I was also able to use a substitute for the fresh coconut milk. It's a product of Del Monte and it's in powder form (you have to dissolve it in 1 cup of water). It made no difference; still tasted like real gata!

1/2 k liempo (pork belly), cut into 1/2 inch strips
1/4 cup sauteed shrimp paste
3 different kinds of chili (3 pcs siling labuyo, 1 pc red bell pepper and 1 pc siling pang-sinigang, minced)
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 head of garlic, crushed
1 med-sized red onion, sliced

How to prepare the Shrimp Paste - saute garlic, onion and tomatoes. Add in shrimp paste and cook for about five minutes. Add in sugar if the shrimp paste tastes too salty. You may also add in a bit of water.
1. Saute garlic and onion. Add in pork then cook until the pork strips' edges turn brown.
2. Add in the minced chili (tip: the hotness of the viand depends on your taste. My husband is particularly not a fan of too spicy food so I used three different chili to make the perfect blend)
3. Add the sauteed shrimp paste little by little to make sure that the dish does not become too salty. Cook for about 3-5 minutes.
4. Pour in the coconut milk. Lower the heat then let simmer for 7 minutes. Garnish with sliced siling pang-sinigang and serve hot with steaming rice.


Cooking 101: Spicy Chicken Curry

1/2k choice cut chicken (wings, breast, legs)
2 potatoes, peeled and quartered
1 carrot, peeled and quartered
1/2 head of garlic, crushed
1 red onion, sliced
3T curry powder
3T fish sauce
3T ground white pepper (tip: use white for white sauces and black for red/other sauces)
1 cup water
1 cup coconut milk (tip: change to 1/2 cup evaporated milk if you don't like the
chili of choice (siling labuyo, jalapeno or bell pepper, sliced)

1. In a pan, fry potatoes. Remove from pan.
2. In the same pan, saute garlic and onion. Add chicken until brown and semi-cooked.
3. Pour in patis. Allow to evaporate for a few minutes then add in the curry powder and pepper. Add salt if you feel the flavor is bland but make sure not to make it too salty. Stir for 2-3 minutes.
4. Add in chilis to incorporate the hotness.Saute for a few minutes before adding in the water. Bring to a boil.
5. Lower the heat before adding in the carrot and potatoes. Let simmer for about 5 minutes.
6. Add in the coconut milk while continuously stirring for 7 minutes (tip: if you're using the evaporated milk, just cook for under 5 minutes to avoid curdling
7. Serve hot with a bowl of steaming rice,

Happy eating! By the way, this is just my recipe. You could try adding in more vegetables like celery, bell pepper, etc. My husband loves this food but since he's lactose-intolerant, I had to add in the water. You may take it out if you want a thicker consistency. 

2012 Fashion Trends

Okay, just because I have to stick to a certain goal doesn't mean I'm not allowed to look at what's hip this coming year. I mean, I can't help it if I'm still in love with shopping and anything to do with fashion, right?

The 5 Key Pieces to Keep for the New Year

The wide leg pant. While heavy wool or lined pairs might not be ideal for the heat, wide legged pants in lightweight fabrics or denim can easily make the transition to spring. Lighten up dark colored pants for the warmer months by pairing them with light colours up top – and swap the boots for wedges or high heeled sandals. 

The tuxedo jacket. An easy option for heading out after hours, it’s is a classic that goes well beyond the A/W 2011 season. For spring white or cream takes are a dream with everything from dresses to shorts – but fall’s classic black dinner jacket is also a keeper.

The leather harness. It can be fetishist and hard, but it doesn’t have to be. For spring layer your leather accessories over floating fabrics, light colors and relaxed tailoring.

The high slit dress. While the runways for both seasons have seen plenty of evening wear takes, you can also work a casual slit into your wardrobe come spring. Pair a slit skirt with a cotton tank for an effortless summer take.

The 60s Peter Pan collar. From the black and white strictness of Louis Vuitton to the fresh, candy colours of spring: a sweet sixties look is still lifted by the addition of a round peter pan collar.

A gist of what's shaking up in the fashion world for the year 2012:
  • 1960s and 1920s fashion are back. Check this out for more 60s and this for 20s tips, in case you have forgotten. Icon for the 60s -- Twiggy and Chanel during the 20s.
  • Apron dress
  • Swimwear
  • Pastel colors are in

Long and bouncy. Described as a gorgeous blow-out the bouncy blow dry gives long hair a groomed, elegant yet relaxed finish. Inspired, in part, by the 70s fashion revival but working across most of 2012′s looks.

Homemade curls. Both nostalgic and modern, this girlish and quirky hairstyle features many an element of other 2012 hairstyle trends: it has a parting and obvious product definition. Soft and eye-catching, homemade curls give off a laid back air as one of 2012′s long hairstyle trends.

French twist. Given that classic fashion revivals define 2012, it should come as no surprised to find that classic hairstyles also go a long way to defining the year.

Looped under ponytail. Less of a bun and more of a ponytail that’s been folded and looped under, this hairstyle offers up a mood somewhere between easy and casual, and tightly equestrian. It provided the perfect compliment to Carolina Herrera’s spring runway; as it can to your own outfits.

Side pinned waves. Flowing, bouncy waves accessorized by a side-pinned barrette create something of a girlish charm. While long hair works fantastically well for this look – as seen on the spring runway of Sonia Rykiel – this hairstyle can also work for short or mid hair lengths. A collision of forties glamor and seventies relaxed cool.


Retro faux bob. As perfect as a Stepford wife, as ice cool as Betty Draper, as vintage as yesteryear and as modern as tomorrow, 2012′s faux bob hairstyle gives the year a structured, pristine, ‘done’ hairstyle that borrows much from the 60s fashion revival.

Wet-look chignon. Don’t be afraid to get your hair wet in 2012 – or at least give the impression that it’s wet. Amongst a long list of wet look 2012 hairstyles, this wet look chingon offers up plenty of versatility along with a relaxed feel.

Piled up and pinned. If there’s a middle ground between being stylishly done and carelessly undone, this 2012 women’s hairstyle occupies it. Elegant to a tee, it doesn’t require precision or complex tools (bobby pins are your friend – and lots of them) but it does require a little finesse to pull off that undone-done look of effortless chic.

Double french twist. On the spring / summer 2012 runway of Diane von Furstenberg, models emerged with a back-combed crown that swirled back into two mirrored French twists. The effect? A 1960s style bouffant hairstyle that crowns any outfit with an elegant vintage vibe. We call it the double French twist,

Chignon with side waves. As seasons change, hairstyles are given new twists. This year the always dependable chignon gets reinvented. In this take, it gets a sweeping side part with soft waves on one side, creating a unique effect that varies with the angle you view it from.


  • head scarf/ hair wrap - With a new year comes new hair trends, and with new hair trends come a lust for new accessories. In 2012 the head scarf gets revived in a number of ways, from the retro-chic of vintage styles to the exotic appeal of the head wrap.
  • doctor's bag/Gladstone bag

Make-up (check this out for more info)
  • Matte complexion - the irony of this trend is that to create a timeless look, you need to step away from the trends. This balanced-out skin tone is an inspiration from the 80s and 90s, where a shiny or glossy face was nowhere to be seen. Napoleon suggests opting for muted colors, be it for eye shadow or nail lacquer
  • Contoured Cheeks - during damp wintery days, a minimalist beauty look is usually the fastest way to look crowd-friendly. The secret behind this no-makeup drama is inspired by spring’s take on a sun-kissed look. Napoleon’s secret – “The wonder of contouring is complexion perfection at its best!” He says nude and muted tones are coming back for spring 2012, but that’ll also work for fall due to its versatility
  • Bared Eye Mascara - ditch every other eye tool in your make-up drawer, as to master this trend, all you need is an eyelash curler and mascara. This 60s-Twiggy-inspired, bare-eyed mascara look has taken the celebrity-filled red carpet by its horns and it’s only fair that you include that in your daily ritual too. This trend is all about the lashes, but the secret is to keep them natural; let the eyeliner or eye shadow go on a much-deserved break
  • Metallic Colors  - to update your look from summer to fall, include accents of warmer hues in your everyday make-up routine. If plums, violets and olive scare you, then opt for metallic shades. A little dust of silver under the eye or a sparkly topcoat of nail lacquer will not make you look like a teenager. Napoleon suggests, “Don’t be scared to add sparkle during the day. If it makes you feel on-trend and fashionable, brave against the boring and dull crowd on the street"
  • Brows are bold but feminine - not sleekly thin or roughly thick, for the next couple of seasons, brows are strict but groomed. This involves a lot of filling, perhaps even growing them out to get optimum results for next year. For now, stay clear from pointed or bushy looks. Napoleon takes runway inspiration for this season from Oscar de la Renta and Donna Karan for this trend
  • Nude vs classic red - this cold war between nude and red lips is a never-ending saga. The bright stained lips have had enough publicity, and Napoleon says this fall, the pout needs a warm nude shade. “Pop of color on a dreary winter day is classic, but we can change things around. Everyone will be making a statement with their eyes while toning down the lips,” says Napoleon.

Remember, don't let fashion eat you. Make sure you still follow your own style because it's the best look for you!

Me at one year and a few months, already a fashionista HAHA

Zeke's Milestones (3rd Month - present)

A lot has happened in the past three months and somehow, I still can't believe that my baby has just celebrated his sixth month last Monday! Looking back, I am astounded by how fast my baby's development is ---- can you believe he already said his first word yesterday? It happened while his uncle is carrying him. He showed Zeke the fish in a dream catcher in our house and he began to sniff. When he was about to cry, he blurted out "Mamamamamamama..." while looking at me! He was calling out for me! Can you believe it? :'(

Sigh. Time does fly so fast when you're having fun. Here's the list of Zeke's milestones in chronological order:

10.17.2011 - first mass

10.23.2011 - baptism

10.27.2011 - first laugh
10.31.2011 - he can be carried in an upright position without any back support
11.02.2011 - first half roll-over
11.03.2011 - first FULL roll-over

11.11.2011 - first overnight

11.15.2011 - first feet grabbing
12.03.2011 - first attempt to crawl
12.09.2011 - first gurgling sound and his first "laugh at himself" antics
12.17.2011 - he sits while being carried
12.25.2011 - his first attempt to stand up
12.30.2011 - his first attempt to walk while being held in a standing position

12.31.2011 - he does the "prrrffftt" sound
12.31.2011 - sits while leaning on something
01.03.2012 - tries to sit on his own while in his stroller

high chair

01.06.2012 - first haircut by mommy (bangs only)

01.09.2012 - favorite past time -- sucking his big toes
01.13.2012 - he talks to himself to make himself sleepy
01.14.2011 - first word: MAMA(MAMAM) :D and he can now talk using baby talk (real syllables)

Of course, we always celebrate his monthly birthday. On his third month, we celebrated it together with his baptism, on his fourth month we celebrated it with my side of the family via an overnight visit, on his fifth month we celebrated it together with his Dad's birthday and finally, on his sixth month, we celebrated it together with his cousin's 15th birthday.

Third Month @Max's Ampid

Fourth month @Maly
Fifth month @home while reaching for my toys
Sixth month (where I said my first word)
It really doesn't matter. As long as Zeke's weight gain is doing good, I know I'm on the right track :):

Birth - 7.6lbs
1st month - 4.1kg
2nd month -  4.9 lbs
3rd month - 6.1kg
4th month - 7.3kg

5th month - 8kg
6th month - 8.6kg

On his last pedia visit (Jan 2012), his pedia advised us to take it easy with the milk because Zeke is now more than double of his birth weight (which means his almost overweight --- I do keep a chart and I know he's still within the curve :P)

It's quite overwhelming when you think about it, really. Zeke's needs is our utmost goal that's why most of our house expenses are his.

Huggies Comfort for morning
Huggies Dry Comfort for night
Johnson's Baby Wipes
S26 milk formula (when I was unable to pump enough for the day)

Up-to-date vaccine (done with his Rota and on his last shot of penta)
Clothes, socks, shoes, etc

But, when you think about it, everything is really worth it. I mean, really, the purpose of getting married (besides showing the world how much you love each other) is about building a strong, God-fearing and exceptionally healthy family. ;)

Who wouldn't fall in love with my Pots?

Now, I'm starting Zeke with his solid food tomorrow. I'm trying on Cerelac first for a few days then I'll add homemade baby food (I'll talk about this more on my next posts). I'll keep you posted but for now, I'll leave you with Zeke's mouthwatering cake:


Sunday, January 1

Welcome 2012!

Happy 2012!

This year will be AHH-MAZING! Why? Because I think and I know it will be. The key for me this year is keeping it positive and thinking positive. And of course, making my very first picto-goal instead of doing my usual resolutions.

A picto-goal is a word I created from the two words pictures and goal. This allows me to fully visualize what I want to achieve this year. And to constantly remind me, here's a soft copy of my picto-goal board:

lower down use of CC and increase money savings, Zeke's grand birthday party, new gadgets and a vacation (whew!)

When making a picto-goal, make sure its content is attainable, concise and of course, not too extravagant. Always remember your time frame --- a year so it's really not feasible if you post "travel the world" not unless you're a millionaire. What you may want to do is a picto-life (like a bucket list). Maybe I'll do a post about it when I'm done with my picto-goal for this year :P 

Anyway, this year is also Zeke's first New Year. If last year I had a diamond ring on my finger when the clock struck 12, now I have Zeke in my hands. See how beautiful life is?

This year, we celebrated New Year's Eve with the usual fireworks courtesy of my brother in law. Then, we celebrated the first day of 2012 at my grandparents' house where we had delicious and authentic Pinoy food.

Boiled Peanuts, Biko, Cassava Cake, Blueberry Cheesecake from Parvati, Chicken and Pork Adobo, Nilagang Talong/Sitaw/Dahon ng Gabi, Ensaladang Mangga with Bagoong Alamang and Grilled Bangus and Tilapia

My little family in red for good luck

My boys
And to cap off the night, we watched fireworks being  shown all over the world. Zeke was not too keen with the booms but he sure does love the colorful lights.

Hmm, what does the Chinese horoscope says about me for this coming year of the Dragon ----- a Virgo born in the year of the Rat:

(Aug 24 - Sep 23)
Virgo Horoscope 2012 forecasts that you have to be tough and emotionally steady this year! The year ahead has both the bouquets and brickbats. 2012 spells out some critical situations that might lead to painful outcome. This could be in the work front or in your family. It will be more in the form of abrupt happenings and set of events.

May be a colleague would prove unworthy or a near one might fall ill. The respite here is doing what the situation best demands and let time pass! Expressing yourself is important to a dear friend or a senior family member.

Circumstances would propel you to react impulsively. Though at times that could be the remedy but on most occasions you need to maintain calm and take care of your temper. Diverting your mind to work is a good respite as that would you strength and stability.

However, other facets like love, money and relationship remains at balance.

Virgo Work Horoscope 2012:

Professional life though will have challenges to live up to, but promises rewards. You will receive abundant accolades for the work done. Projects which were in pipeline for long will soon get approval for execution. At the same time, you can pitch in for fresh assignments and business developments. At work you will have to take authority of your fellow workers. This will build up your confidence and enhance your performance as a leader. Your network base too would increase as you would be meeting new people. Professionally, if you are into management jobs you can expect promotions close to the financial year. Going further if you are aiming at a job change, better opportunities would knock your doors post April. There is a possibility that you travel to international locations for your work.

Virgo Money Horoscope 2012:

Expenses and budget needs to be well planned. This is going to be a year full of expenditure. You could end investing in family needs, like buying a house, arranging grand feasts for family get together/s and the like. There would be profits and gains during the first three months of the year, and remain static for a while. If you are into trading you will generate good business between the months of June and September. In terms of financial gain the year would end on a positive note.

Virgo Love Horoscope 2012:

You might be harboring an unrewarding relationship for long. This is the time to let go and give your life and emotions a new direction. There might be misunderstandings between close friends and even lovers. Though they need not lead towards estrangement, but there might be a momentary distance. Don’t be aggressive in making things go the way you want. Rather leave it on time to make things flow into their normal course.
Quick FactsVirgo
Lucky Numbers8,20,30
BirthstoneSapphire, Pink Jasper
Lucky ColorBlack, Gold, Brown
Ruling PlanetMercury
Most compatible withTaurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo
Special QualitiesConstant Learner, Giver
WeaknessesNagging, Crib a lot
Suitable ProfessionTeaching
Energy SignsYin
Health ProblemsAbdomen, Spleen, Intestines, Diaphragm
Most Clashes withScorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Aries

Rat Chinese Horoscope 2012

Rats Years: (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

Rat Chinese Forecast 2012:
· As per Rat Chinese Horoscopes 2012, these people will have a strong love inclination towards someone special.
· There are chances of some conflicts with Chinese Horse, Rabbit and Ram people for these people in Chinese New Year 2012.
· Another thing predicted by Rat Chinese Astrology 2012 is that these people might face a healthy competition with some people in their career field.
· Rats and Dragons will most likely indulge in a good affiliation in the coming Chinese New Year 2012.
· Overall, 2012 Chinese New Year will be a good year for the Chinese Rat people in terms of love and career.

Rat General 2012
You will be presented with many opportunities to allow you to develop and grow this year. There will be severe people issues and you should be prepared that there will be a high tendency that you might lose your friends along the way. People might get jealous and start to pick on you alleging that you are arrogant and proud. The temptation to bury yourself in your work at hand and to give of your best might lead you to isolate yourself and in doing so you might lose many friends. This will result in more problems for you by affecting your progress at work with colleagues and friends refusing you their cooperation. As a result, more problems might start to snowball from here. Deal with these people issues and be diplomatic in doing so. With your charm and intelligence, you will be able to manage those who oppose you. Aside from this, your immune system will be poor this year and you might easily contract common illnesses. Your relationship will also be unstable. The stress that you receive from other areas of your life seem to cloud your judgment of your relationship.

Rat Career 2012
On the career front, your bosses and authority figures will be willing to give you the opportunities to shine and excel. This will definitely be what you deserve and you will certainly be able to exceed their expectations. Even with this new found confidence, please try not to get carried away. You will still need to manage office politics and be sensitive to other people’s reactions towards you. In some circumstances, people might tend to see you as someone arrogant and despise your confidence. As you progress, you might tend to isolate yourself because many will not agree with you out of spite. People who disagree with you might cause difficulties that will impact your progress ultimately. Be patient and diplomatic as it will be better to have more friends than enemies, especially when you will need their cooperation to get things done.
Should you be in business, it will seem that you might be doing well as you will have many clients and you will be very busy. However, you might find that your revenue will not be increasing exponentially. You should not proceed to expand your business in a hurry. But instead, you might want to evaluate your business model to determine the cause of the problems. Should you still be interested to expand your business, you should do it gradually taking into consideration your cash-flow.

Rat Relationship 2012
For singles, there be will a lot of confusion in the relationship area because you might have difficulty in interpreting your feelings. It might seem that you have feelings for one person and yet all of a sudden you might feel that you have fallen for another person. Should be unsure of your emotions, you should maintain a distance and try not to send out confusing signals to others as someone might get hurt and it will be difficult to have to explain yourself later. If you are attached or married, there will be a strong possibility of tension caused by gossip, relatives, friends or matters involving your children. You might even feel that your relationship has deteriorated or that you no longer love the person. For those who are attached, there will be a high risk of breaking up. No matter whether you are attached or married, you should continue to persevere. You will be going through a lot of pressures this year and this will cause instability in your relationship. Be aware though that this feeling of instability will be just a passing phase and you should not allow this to become a permanent regret by making impulsive decisions.