On my last
post, I provided a detailed week by week development chart for my Zeke. Now that Zeke's on his 11th week (can you believe it?), he's growing up too fast that even I can't believe that he's able to do this and that!
Most people who would see him often comment "Wow, are you sure your baby's only two months?". This kind of compliment would touch my heart and of course, can't help but make me proud of my little one. Actually, if you'll check his new photos, you might say he's no longer little.
2nd month, playing with his Lola (my mommy) |
9th week, stroll around the subdivision on his Chicco stroller |
10th week (look at him, he's so BIG) |
can now use his bath support sitting down at 10 weeks old! |
now wears sando and shorts at 10 weeks old! |
Zeke at 11 weeks with Mommy and Daddy |
As you can see, he looks (and feels) old for his age. I'm not sure how much he weighs now since his next pedia visit is scheduled on the 1st of October (which reminds me, he'll have his PCV vaccine, which costs around Php 5000).
Okay, time for his weekly development chart:
during his 2nd month:
- his sleeping pattern has been changing ---- he's sleeping for 6 hours at night and he's now starting to develop a sleeping habit
- he loves to "coo" and "gurgle" and would often talk to himself
- responds energetically by "cooing" to whoever is talking to him
- gets entertained by his toys
Mrs. Hippo and Mr. Lion |
- looks intently at bright colored object ie his scrub buddies, the fluorescent lamps, and TV shows that shows bright colors and dancing or singing like the Mickey Mouse club
his bath time scrub buddies Mr. Tiger and Mr. Monkey |
during his 9th week:
- he now recognizes my voice and would often smile whenever he hears me calling his name. He also knows the meaning of the word "ayan na (here it comes)" because whenever he hears it, he knows that his food is coming (my breasts, to be exact) and he would gradually lower down his screams and eventually stops crying
- he drools a lot --- loves to taste whatever comes in contact with his mouth
- sucks his fist, arm, thumb, and fingers
- starting to rock and roll — well, maybe just roll.
At this age, he's able to move from his side to his back
and his back to his side
during his 10th week:
- he could touch his toes and could almost bring his feet up to his mouth
- can sit on his bath support and doesn't cry during his baths anymore. He ABSOLUTELY loves warm baths!
- he could touch his winky during diaper changes (HAHA)
- tries to lift his head when he's lying down and when he's on his tummy, holds his head steadily
- wears sando and shorts because his 0-3 months clothes no longer fit!
new clothes for Zeke (3-6 months) |
during his 11th week:
- he sleeps less during the morning and sleeps soundly at night. I believe he has now established a sleeping pattern. He knows that whenever I give him a warm sponge bath at night and a final diaper change, it's time for bed
- he wakes up at the same time my husband and I wake up
- his jerky arm and leg movements when he was just a newborn have given way to
smoother, more circular motions, especially when he's watching people
- loves to coo, gurgle and play with his lips especially when he hears his name
Oh, I can't wait for my baby to develop some more. Of course, I could help him by reading books to him. Since I'm going back to work on Monday, I could buy him books that have big and bold letters.
By the way, we have finalized his christening date. It'll be on October 23rd. I'll blog about it as soon as we're done with the reservation of the church and reception place. But, I'll let you take a peek on what he's wearing:
mini barong tagalog! :D |
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