Change is the only constant thing in this world. Without it, I don't think we could ever evolve.
Last Friday was officially, my last day at work. I have been an employee of (can't state the company name as it coincide with the company policies) for four years and eight months --- that was a lot of hours, days, weeks, months, years to count, if you ask me.
Many asked me why and although the real reason was personal, you can't help think that maybe I have also resigned for the sake of taking a breather. Maybe, with all the changes that has happened to me last year (marriage, pregnancy, motherhood, wife-hood), I need to take a bit of a rest and make myself breath.
Now that I'm officially a housewife (for the meantime), I've taken one of the major steps into embracing change --- and that involved my hair. I haven't cut or treated or did something tremendous with my hair for two WHOLE years. Believe me, when I finally decided to do it (which was yesterday), my stylist Rain was looking at me vehemently and almost cried when I said, "It has been two years".
Thankfully, there are now a lot of hair treatments in the market you could choose from. I wanted to tame my frizzy and messy (bessy) hair by doing something I've never done before: REBONDING. I didn't want the "walis tambo" look so I ask Rain if he could do a volume rebonding instead. Volume rebonding is done by hair straightening chemicals that also contains intensive moisturizing ingredients.
The procedure is done by chemical applied to each section of your hair, rinse off after some minutes, or when the hair specialist feels that the bonds have already break. At the same time, rollers will be placed on the tip of your hair and this is for the volume to set in your hair. It is supposed to take the form of the hair to have a natural looking straightened hair, and avoid the very stiff ends. Liquids will be applied to neutralize the broken bonds. Blow-drying and ironing is done afterwards. Ironing is done by a thermal volume iron, which is different than the usual hair iron since they have thicker prongs. Afterwards, keratin treatment is added (this is optional, I guess, but I went for it) for lush, softer tresses.
I will go back to the salon after two weeks because I want to have my hair colored. Of course, nothing too far from my hair color (which is dark brown). I guess I just want to embrace the new (exciting) changes about to happen in my life. Wish me luck!

The most drastic change I did to my hair was getting a bob after having it really long. Now I'm growing it back. ;) Fickle-minded, huh?
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